Welcome to Kingsbridge EIP SCITT, where your teacher training journey begins!
Kingsbridge EIP SCITT is a school-led teacher training provider. Over the years, we have successfully helped thousands of graduates achieve their dreams of becoming a qualified teacher through our dynamic and high-quality pathway into teaching.
We are proud to work in partnership with a strong network of schools and hubs across the North-West to support local communities in growing and developing the teachers of tomorrow. Kingsbridge SCITT provides a range of school-based training routes to achieve Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) tailored for future educators like you.
Kingsbridge is passionate about education and dedicated to improving outcomes for children and young people. We know that high-quality teaching - every day, for all pupils - is the most significant factor in improving outcomes, especially for the most disadvantaged. We believe that every lesson is an opportunity to make a lasting impact. Join us to shape the lives of future generations and start your rewarding teaching career today.
Choose to Make a Difference
Choose to train with Kingsbridge
There is a forensic focus on trainee wellbeing, curriculum and quality assurance processes which mean that the quality of the training is very high. Haili Hughes, June 2024
The curriculum has effectively prepared me for classroom challenges and equipped me with strategies for effective teaching and learning. Additionally, the emphasis on reflective practice has been instrumental in my professional growth. Trainee June 2024
Join Us and Make a Difference | Your Path to Becoming a Teacher...
Route 1: School Centred Initial Teacher Training (SCITT)
Route 2: Postgraduate Teaching Apprenticeship
To apply for this route, you must have secured employment as an unqualified teacher in a school in order to be eligible. Please click here to register your school details! |
Mission Statement Through our high-quality curriculum, inspirational mentoring and strong relationships with partnership schools, Kingsbridge prepares future teachers and leaders who share in our vision of 'making a difference' and are committed to upholding our core values. |
Latest School-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) Events
- Online - Get into Teaching Information Event02Apr2025
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm @ Online Event
Our events offer a brilliant opportunity to find out more about teacher training and what a career in teaching has to offer. Please register your interest by clicking here: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/get-into-teaching-information-event-tickets-1111580771009?aff=oddtdtcreator
- Get into Teaching Information Event03Apr2025
9:30 am - 11:30 am @ Standish St Wilfrid's Church or England Primary Academy School
Join us for an immersive and inspiring experience. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards your future in Education. Please email Leanne Morgan-Hillam - lhillam@saintwilfrids.wigan.sach.uk to book your place or for further information.
- Get into Teaching Information Event03Apr2025
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm @ Standish St Wilfrid's Church or England Primary Academy School
Join us for an immersive and inspiring experience. Reserve your spot today and take the first step towards your future in Education. Please email Leanne Morgan-Hillam - lhillam@saintwilfrids.wigan.sach.uk to book your place or for further information.
Latest News
- Changes to qualifications requirements and length of the apprenticeship programme.
- This academic year, DfE are launching a service to enable all placement schools that host an initial teacher training (ITT) trainee to claim funding for their mentor training.
- Kingsbridge would like to wish all our trainees, mentors and partnership schools a 'Merry Christmas!'