Kingsbridge Teacher Training,
Rivington Ave,
Platt Bridge,

01942 487999 Option 6

Kingsbridge SCITT

Join Us and Make a Difference | Every Lesson Shapes a Life

Assessment Only

Sept 2021 - Our Assessment only route is currently under review due to COVID-19 restrictions in place - we are currently not processing any new applications. 

Kingsbridge ITT provides a fast-track Assessment Only route to Qualified Teacher Status for unqualified teachers providing they are already employed in a school environment.

The is however, a strict criteria that needs to be met taking into account an individual’s past and present work experience, they are potentially able to qualify in a much shorter time frame than if they were to undertake a PGCE or more conventional teacher training.

AO Candidates also benefit from remaining in paid employment throughout their assessment, with the chance of improved promotion prospects after they have fully qualified, along with an increased salary (qualified teachers typically earn, on average, at least £6000 more than their unqualified colleagues).



You should be enthusiastic, motivated, and show high levels of initiative. You must:

  • Have a First Degree in relevant subject (typically 2.2 classification) from a UK higher education institution or equivalent qualification.
  • Have achieved a standard minimum equivalent grade 4 (previously grade C) in the GCSE examinations in English and mathematics, and if you intend to train to teach primary additionally have achieved a standard equivalent to a minimum grade 4 in the GCSE examination in a science subject.
  • Be employed by a school in a teaching capacity at the time of commencing the programme
  • Have taught in at least two contrasting schools, early years and/or further education settings (typically this would consist of two years’ teaching, i.e. whole-class planning, teaching, assessment and reporting to parents in two or more settings and across two or more consecutive age ranges. Your teaching experience must enable you to demonstrate how you already fully meet the Teachers’ Standards without the need for further training or experience (you may need to undertake additional teaching experience in preparation for your assessment, e.g. in another age range, school, or subject(s))
  • Be able to demonstrate that you have the suitability to teach in terms of appropriate academic capabilities and personal qualities, a positive attitude, and a good grasp of professional ethics, morality and integrity
  • Be able to demonstrate that you meet the Teachers’ Standards across a minimum of two consecutive age ranges for their chosen teaching specialism
Within your school, you will need to secure:
  • Agreement that the school will work in partnership with us to carry out your QTS assessment
  • A named and suitably qualified and experienced mentor to work in partnership with a us to carry out your assessment

To commence your registration on this route you must:

  • Provide evidence of identity
  • Be subject to a DBS enhanced disclosure check and/or any other appropriate background checks
  • Submit a medical disclosure to meet the Secretary of State’s requirements for physical and mental fitness to teach


In accordance with the guidelines set out by the Department for Education, We are required to assess AO candidates abilities to meet the standards for QTS as part of the selection process. Your existing skill sets and the extent of your teaching experience will therefore be evaluated through an initial audit at the beginning of the programme. Your employing school will also be asked to comment on your readiness for assessment based on your progress and current performance.

Assessment is made via the production of a portfolio of evidence measured against the Teachers’ Standards and teaching observations. You will need to provide a variety of high quality evidence to demonstrate that you have met the Teachers’ Standards across two or more consecutive age ranges, and also evidence of having taught in two schools.


The assessment period will last for a minimum of 6 weeks and a maximum of three months.


Student Loans are not available for assessment Only candidates - the cost of the Assessment Only process is generally paid by the candidate or their employing school.


Click here to download the associated application guidance

If you have any enquiries about the Assessment Only application process, please call 01942 487999 Option 3 or email