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  2. My First Week: Katie O'Connor

My First Week: Katie O'Connor

4 October 2022 (by admin)

What a busy, but enjoyable week! I have been blown away with the focus and drive I have seen from my Reception pupils this week, from forest learning to a pesky Gingerbread Man causing lots of messy mischief in the classroom......

This week's focus has been based around behaviour management and safeguarding meaning building positive relationships with pupils and parents has been at the forefront of my agenda, alongside instilling those expectations and boundaries around learning. I have been lucky enough to spend time observing professionals in Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 teach and manage behaviours in their class which has been beneficial as my experience is predominantly in Early Years.

Already, with the support of my School-based Tutor, I have felt confident enough to teach whole class sessions of Maths, Literacy, Phonics and Curriculum-based topics. My next step now is to plan and deliver my own lessons! I’m feeling excited about this (albeit a little apprehensive!) as it is my time to shine and really feel like I have imparted new knowledge on a class that is already displaying so much potential. I feel well equipped for this after this weeks Kingsbridge Training based around how children learn – this was really insightful in regard to the starting point of learning, the end point of learning, and the journey that will be made to get from one to the other.

As a final point, I felt that being an apprentice in a school I have worked as a Teaching Assistant in for a number of years may have proven difficult to be seen as a Teacher by pupils and parents, however with the training given by Kingsbridge and the support from my school I have been able to easily transition into the role and have a positive start to the academic year. I know that this will continue to grow as the training year progresses.

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