Kingsbridge Teacher Training,
Rivington Ave,
Platt Bridge,

01942 487999 Option 6

Kingsbridge SCITT

Join Us and Make a Difference | Every Lesson Shapes a Life

2023-24 Policies

    Sept 2023 to Aug 2024 SCITT Policies reviewed in July 2023 our policies are reviewed annually in line with Initial Teacher Training (ITT) criteria and supporting advice or following any legislative changes. 

    See below for specific Kingsbridge School-centred initial teacher training (SCITT) policies below that are also available to download:

    Please Click Here to review additional trust-wide statutory Community First Academy Trust's policies

    2022-23 School-centred initial teacher training (SCITTPolicies 

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Anti Bulling Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Anti-Fraud and Corruption Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Appeal Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Assessment Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Trainee Absence and Attendance Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    CFAT Complaints Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Deferral or Withdrawal Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    CFAT E-Safety Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Financial Management Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    Associate Teacher Job Description and Person Specification

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Placement and Travel Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    CFAT Privacy Notice

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Quality Assurance Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Recruitment and Selection Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Risk of Failure Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    CFAT Safeguarding Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Single Equity Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Tuition Fee Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT Bursary Policy

    Click Here to Download our SCITT Code of Conduct Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    Trust Social Media Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT and Apprenticeship Learner Wellbeing Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    SCITT and Apprenticeship Safer Recruitment Policy 

    Additional School-centred initial teacher training (SCITTApprenticeship and End Point Assessment Policies 

    Click Here to Download our

    CFAT end-point complaints policy and procedure

    Click Here  to Download our

    CFAT end-point conflict of interest policy

    Click Here to Download our

    End Point Assessment Result Enquiries and Appeals Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    Trust, SCITT & Apprenticeship Health and Safety Policy

    Click Here to Download the IoA Apprenticeship Exams Policy & Procedures

    Click Here to Download our

    Apprenticeship & EPA Access to Fair Assessment Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    Apprenticeship CPD and Training Policy

    Click Here to Download our

    Privacy Notice – End Point Assessment (GDPR)

    Other SCITT Policies




    *Childcare disqualification

    Providers must have regard to the Disqualification under the Childcare Act 2006 statutory guidance and related obligations under the Childcare Act 2006 when carrying out their duties to safeguard and promote the welfare of children.

    *Accessing Bursaries

    Bursaries and scholarships are available to trainees on a fee-based teacher training course in England that leads to the award of qualified teacher status. Availability is dependent on your highest relevant academic award and the subject in which you are training to teach. To receive a bursary or scholarship you must be entitled to support under the Student Finance England criteria. Both elements will be assessed by Kingsbridge. If you have a degree from outside the UK, you should refer to the overseas degree equivalency table to see the bursary your degree may attract. You can also contact your training provider for clarification on your degree’s equivalency and your eligibility for a bursary and student finance


    *Health and physical capacity to teach

    Kingsbridge have a responsibility to ensure that candidates on the programme have the health and physical capacity to teach and will not put children and young people at risk of harm.

    The Education (Health Standards) (England) Regulations 2003 sets out the activities that a teacher must be able to perform. Providers are responsible for ensuring that they only accept, onto a programme, candidates who have the capacity to teach.

    Successful applicants offered a place may complete a fitness questionnaire. We do not ask all-encompassing health questions but should ensure they only ask targeted and relevant health-related questions which are necessary to ensure that a person is able to teach.

    *Disclosure and Barring Service checks

    All our policies and procedures have regard to the Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. All candidates are subject to appropriate pre-selection checks inline with our Safer Recruitment Procedures. This will include obtaining and considering DBS criminal records checks and children’s barred list information. We retain records showing that applicants have obtained these.

     We also ensure that all candidates are provided with the following:

    • the child protection policy
    • the staff behaviour policy (sometimes called a code of conduct)
    • information about the role of the designated safeguarding lead
    • the statutory guidance Keeping Children Safe in Education

    As a provider; we strongly recommend to applicants that they register with the DBS update service.

    *Other background checks

    Individuals who are unsuited to working with children may not have any previous convictions, and providers should be vigilant during the selection process. Providers and employing schools have a duty to ensure that trainees are properly managed and supervised and that, if they have concerns, information is referred to the police and the DBS.

    Candidates who have lived or worked outside the UK must undergo the same checks as all other staff in schools and colleges. In addition, further checks should be carried out so that events that occurred outside the UK can be considered. The Home Office has published guidance on criminal record checks for overseas applicants.

    Providers and employers must check that candidates are not:

    • subject to a prohibition order issued by the Secretary of State
    • prohibited to teach in another country of the European Economic Area (EEA)

    The lists of prohibited teachers is on the Teacher Services System.