Kingsbridge Teacher Training,
Units 11&12
South Preston Office Village,
Cuerden Way,
Bamber Bridge

01254 686178

Kingsbridge Teacher Training

Do you want to make a difference?


Keeping Our Trainees and Apprentices Safe and in turn supporting our partnership schools hosting trainees/apprentices.

At Community First Academy trust trading as Kingsbridge SCITT, we take our responsibility to ensure the safety of our students very seriously. This also extends to our students who have chosen to study at the SCITT as part of an apprenticeship programme. We are committed to working together to create a fantastic learning experience, and to ensure the highest levels of apprentice safety and wellbeing.

Trust Designated Safeguarding (DSL)

SCITT contact to report any form of Safeguarding incident or arrangements whilst on placement 


Martin Haskayne

 Deputy Headteacher

Tel No: 01942 487999


Click Here to review our template incident reporting form  


Our Approach

The Trust and its SCITT has a clear commitment to safeguarding, which is overseen by a dedicated safeguarding officer (DSL). They promote and implement the Safeguarding Policy, ensuring that it is reviewed regularly and acted upon.

Additionally, all members of the Trust and its SCITT staff working with apprentices are trained in safeguarding and are able to access additional information, advice and training when appropriate.

Our Role
  • Ensure that trainees/apprentices and partnership schools are aware of their safeguarding obligations, through guidance and training.
  • Ensure trainees/apprentices have an awareness of safeguarding and understand how to access SCITT support services.
  • Provide safeguarding training for all SCITT partnership school working with trainees/apprentices when needed.
  • Ensure SCITT staff working with young and vulnerable people are subject to an enhanced Disclosure and Barring service check.
  • Maintain open channels of communication with each partnership school employer as trainees/apprentices may act very differently depending on their environment and may feel more comfortable discussing sensitive issues with different people.
Partnership School’s Duty

Our Partner schools have a duty to comply with all current and future UK legislation and statutory responsibilities. This is set out within our annual partnership agreement. There is a particular expectation
that an employer should take responsibility for an trainee/apprentice’s welfare in the workplace and to also seek appropriate advice when they feel an apprentice may be at risk in their personal lives.


Partnership Schools Role
  • Familiarise themselves with relevant government legislation.
  • Take appropriate steps to understand what safeguarding means in practice , in the context of the responsibilities they have for the people undertaking teacher training. 
  • Ensure that any staff working with trainee/apprentices in a position of trust are appropriate for the role and do not present any danger or threat.
  • Ensure that any people working with young or vulnerable people have had an appropriate check completed with the Disclosure and Barring service. 
  • If possible, identify a person to coordinate safeguarding across an organisation.

Trainee/Apprentice Learners Pre-Start Safeguarding Checks

We are required by statutory guidance to make specific safeguarding checks on everyone we place in schools and we undertake the following documentary checks as part of our programme registration process.


We check your identity against the DBS approved list of documents, most commonly:

  • Passport
  • Photo driving licence (UK)
  • Utility bill or bank statement (dated in the last 3 months)
Right to Work in the UK

We require you to provide one of the following: 

  • Valid or Expired UK/EU passport or
  • Non-EU passport with visa and Biometric Residence Permit or
  • EU National ID card or
  • Full UK birth certificate and NI number or
  • Certificate of Naturalisation and NI number
Criminal Record Check (DBS)

We undertake a DBS check for you, covering the costs if trainees/apprentices are not on the DBS update service. 

  • Enhanced DBS Enclosure from Protocol Education dated within 12 months or
  • Enhanced DBS Enclosure with valid Update Service subscription
  • Overseas Police Check (where applicable)
Barred List

As part of our pre-training checks we you are 

  • Checked as part the Enhanced DBS Check and then re-checked annually
Prohibition from Teaching Orders

As part of our pre-training checks we you are 

  • Checked against the DfE database
Childcare Disqualification (and Disqualification by Association)

As part of our pre-training induction you are asked to  

  • Signed a declaration as part of the application process
 Entry References (2 required)

As part of our pre-training checks we undertake two entry reference most commonly: 

  • Most recent employer 
  • One other professional reference
  • University tutor and references from school placements (work-based and volunteering)
  • Non-school references and character references are accepted where you have not previously worked in schools.

As part of the Counter-Terrorism and Security Act 2015, SCITTs are required to pay ‘due regard to the need to prevent individuals from being drawn into terrorism’. There is no single way of identifying a person who may be vulnerable to extremist ideology and it is often the culmination of a number of influences. These can include, family, friends or relationships they have made online. Extremism can also include non-violent action.

All trainees and apprentices studying on a programme at the SCITT, will be expected to attend a compulsory session in which these issues will be covered.






British Values 

An important part of Prevent, is also the promotion of British values. These are the norms that shape our society and which are enshrined in law, through legislation such as the Equality Act 2010.

British values are described as:

  • Democracy
  • The rule of law
  • Individual liberty and mutual respect
  • Tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs

Trainees and Apprentices are encouraged to explore ideas in a context where these values are recognised and respected.


Community First Academy Trust is committed to rigorous safeguarding procedures and consistently promoting the welfare of children. We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of our pupils. All offers of employment will be subject to an enhanced DBS Check and satisfactory references, medical clearance and verification of your qualifications satisfactory to the Trust.